School Calendar & Term Dates
Click on the link below to download a copy of our term dates
Park Hill Infant School Term Dates 2024 - 2025 (Subject to change)
Park Hill Infant School Term Dates 2025 - 2026 (Subject to change)
We have worked closely with Park Hill Junior School to ensure minimum disruption to families of both schools for our allocation of five INSET days (where the school is closed for staff training.) As an academy, Park Hill Junior School have more flexibility in determining their school holidays and INSET days so please be aware that our term dates are slightly different to Park Hill Junior School. Absences from our school due to the Junior school being closed will not be authorised. Please ensure that, if you use the Breakfast or After School Club at Park Hill Junior School, you check their website for a list of dates that the clubs may be closed as their term dates are different from our school. On these days, you will need to make alternative childcare arrangements.
Parent/ Teacher Consultation Week
Parent/ Teacher Consultation Week
Class 9 Trip to Natural History Museum
Class 9 Trip to Natural History Museum
Attendance Fun Day for class with the highest attendance
Attendance Fun Day for class with the highest attendance
Headteacher’s Awards Assembly (by invitation only)
Headteacher's Awards Assembly (by invitation only)
Class 1 Trip to Sutton Ecology Centre
Class 1 Trip to Sutton Ecology Centre
School closes at 1.30pm for Easter Break
School closes at 1.30pm for Easter Break
School opens for start of Summer term for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
School opens for start of Summer term for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Year One Phonics Workshop
Year One Phonics Workshop
Class 7 Trip to Natural History Museum
Class 7 Trip to Natural History Museum
Reception Curriculum Workshop
Reception Curriculum Workshop