Performance Data

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

There are seventeen areas of the Early Years Curriculum - Making relationships, Self confidence and self-awareness, managing feelings and behaviour, listening and attention, Understanding, Speaking, Moving and Handling, Health and Self Care, Reading, Writing, Number, Shape, Space and Measure, People and Communities, The World, Technology, Exploring and using Media and Materials, Being Imaginative).

In June of each year, all Reception children are assessed against all 17 'Early Learning Goals', (ELGs).  This determines whether they have achieved a 'Good Level of Development', (attaining the ELG in the first twelve areas).

We continue to remain above the National average for average total point scores - children achieving the ELG in ALL areas of the curriculum (shown on the left)

In 2023, 72% of our pupils attained a Good Level Of Development, compared to 65% National 2022.


Year One Phonics Screening Checks

In June the children take a short screening check to test their phonic knowledge. The checks consist of 40 words and non-words (alien words) that your child will be asked to read 'one-on-one' with a teacher. Non-words (or nonsense words/alien words) are a collection of letters that will follow the phonics rules that your child has been taught. Your child will need to read these using their phonic knowledge to show that they understand the phonics rules behind them.

This year, 2023, the "benchmark" remained as 32, which meant children needed to read at least 32 words out of 40 correctly. Any child who did not meet the benchmark in Year One will receive targeted support and will be given the opportunity to retake the screening check again in June of their Year Two year.


In 2023, 90% of our Year One pupils met the benchmark compared to 75% National 2022. 


Results of your child's screening check will be attached to their end of year report.

You can help your child prepare for their phonics screening check by going over the phonics they have learnt in Reception and Year 1. Read new books and stories with them, where they will be introduced to new words that they will have to 'sound out'.

Year Two Statutory Assessment Tests

2023 was the last year of Statutory Year Two SATS, where the attainment of all children in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science was reported, compared and analysed locally and nationally.


Children completed two reading comprehensions to contribute towards a reading judgement. In Mathematics, there was an arithmetic paper and a reasoning paper. The questions covered all areas of mathematics taught in Key Stage One.

There was no ‘test’ for Science and writing. A judgement was made using teacher assessment only.


Unvalidated data for Y2 SATs 2023 shows:

In Reading, 88% of our cohort achieved the expected standard with 53% achieving greater depth.

In Writing, 84% of our cohort achieved the expected standard with 26% achieving greater depth.

In Maths, 91% of our cohort achieved the expected standard with 46% achieving greater depth.


Summary of 2023 Assessments


The DfE school performance tables can be found at: