School Attendance
To report your child’s absence from school, please call the School Office before 09:30am on 020 8680 0747 or email
At Park Hill Infant School, we aim for children to achieve at least 96% attendance for a full school year. It is a parent/ carer's legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually. As a school, we have a legal responsibility to advise parents/ carers if their child’s attendance is a concern. Children with attendance below 90% are classed as persistently absent by the Government.
Attendance Letter to Whole School with New Process for Leave Applications
Our Attendance Strategy can be accessed by clicking here
Our Attendance Leaflet can be accessed here
We will achieve our aim for attendance by recognising individual needs, and enabling all learners to achieve success, by providing an inclusive school community, which gives equality of opportunity to all.
We will communicate the minimum expected attendance level for every pupil for the academic year at the beginning of the academic year and reminders will be sent throughout. Where a child is placed on school roll in-year, this information will be communicated to parents and carers upon their admission to the school.
There is a clear link between good attendance and good attainment/progress. Children’s life chances are enhanced by regular attendance at school and the school will support parents and carers in achieving excellent attendance in order to maximise educational opportunities for their children. Poor attendance is proven to impact negatively on a child’s learning.
Our Attendance Policy can be accessed here
Please click here for a helpful guide on when children can come to school if they have an infection
Please click here for attendance guidance from the Department of Education for parents/ carers
We place a high priority on children acquiring a sense of commitment towards regular attendance at school. We work hard to forge and maintain links with external agencies in order to support families and improve attendance for every pupil. Our EWO (Education Welfare Officer) and our Assistant Business Manager, Mrs Croucher, meet every two weeks to monitor attendance and make contact with families for any pupils whose attendance has fallen below the expected level.
If there are circumstances we should be aware of in connection with your child’s attendance or punctuality, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Headship Team. All information received will be held confidentially and we will endeavour to offer support and advice where possible.
Every effort should be made to arrange medical appointments outside school hours. If there is no alternative it is essential that a medical appointment card/letter is brought to the school office. All children returning to school must be signed in at the school office.
Arrivals and Collections
Our school gates open at 9:00am. Children need to be in class and ready to learn by 9:10am each day, when the register is called. Punctuality is extremely important, as a child who is late for school misses lesson time and causes disruption for the rest of the class.
If your child is late for school, you need sign them in at the School Office and provide an explanation for their late arrival to school.
Our school day ends at 3.30pm. If you are late collecting your child at the end of the school day, you will need to sign them out at the School Office from 3.40pm onwards. In the event of an emergency and/or the possibility that you will not arrive in time to collect your child, please make alternative arrangements with a friend or relative and then telephone the school so we may explain the new arrangement to your child. Our Pupil Arrival and Collection policy is available on the 'Policies' page.
Improving Attendance
When attendance begins to decline, as a school we may decide to:
- Continue to monitor future attendance and absence;
- Send out a letter advising you of the decline in your child’s attendance, and inviting you to speak to a member of the Headship Team to determine if there are any issues preventing your child from attending school regularly;
- Write to you requesting medical evidence to authorise any further absences from school;
- Invite you to a meeting in school to discuss your child’s attendance;
- Make a referral to the EWO (Educational Welfare Officer.)
If a referral is made to the EWO:
Persistent Absence which falls below 90% may be referred to the Education Welfare Officer and/ or the Local Authority for the consideration of a Penalty Notice.
- Our EWO may write to you or phone you to arrange a meeting to further discuss your child’s attendance;
- You may be issued with an Attendance Contract;
- You may be referred to the Local Authority for the consideration of a Penalty Notice.
Leave of Absence Requests in Term Time
If you have exceptional circumstances and wish to request a leave of absence during term time, please contact the school office on 0208 680 0747 or email to request a meeting with a member of the Headship Team as far in advance of the requested leave period as possible. After the meeting, if you still require term time absence from school you will be asked to complete a Leave of Absence request form and return it to the office prior to the start date of the requested leave period. If your child is leaving the UK for the leave period requested, please hand in a copy of your family’s return flight bookings along with a Leave of Absence request form.
We will continue to support you and your families in times of crisis and all requests for leave during term time will be considered on an individual basis. If permission is not granted, but the leave is still taken, you may be referred to our EWO and/or the local authority for consideration of a Penalty Notice.
New attendance framework:
Please be mindful if there are ten sessions of unauthorised absence recorded within a ten-week period a referral could be made to the local authority and a penalty notice may be issued to you. For a first referral the amount being £160 per parent, per child paid within 28 days, reduced to £80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days. There would be no reduction for a second referral within a three-year period.
Unauthorised absence includes absence without justified cause, including medical evidence not been provided when requested / no communication with school regarding absence / term time absence / late arrivals recorded after registration has closed.
2018-2019 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 | |
Overall attendance of all compulsory school-aged children | 97% | 97% | 94% | 96% | 96% |
Attendance term attendance | 97% | 98% | 96% | 95% | 95% |
Spring term attendance | 96% | 98% | 93% | 95% | 96% |
Summer term attendance | 97% | 96% | 94% | 96% | 96% |
% of Persistently absence pupils (below 90% attendance) | 3% | 6% | 17% | 12% | 5% |
Our overall attendance of all compulsory school-aged for 2023-2024 was 96%.
Rewarding Good Attendance
The class with the highest attendance per term is rewarded with a Fun Day. Parents/ Carers of the winning class will be notified by email and text message prior to the date of each Fun Day.