Medical Information
Park Hill Infant School is an inclusive community that welcomes and supports pupils with medical conditions. Park Hill Infant School understands that pupils can suffer from long term, short term, chronic and acute illnesses and will provide for all pupils without exception or discrimination. This includes both physical and mental health conditions.
Parents/ carers must provide the school with sufficient and up-to-date information about their child’s medical needs including any specific medical conditions. They will also be involved in the development and review of their child’s Individual Healthcare Plan (if they require one.) They should carry out any action they have agreed to as part of its implementation, e.g. provide medicines and equipment and ensure they or another nominated adult are contactable at all times.
All children with a medical condition at school are recorded on a medical needs register so that all staff are aware of and informed about each child’s individual condition, need and/or required medication.
To read our Children with Medical Conditions and First Aid policy click here.
Please click here for a helpful guide on when children can come to school if they have an infection
Managing Medicines in school:
- Medicines will only be administered at school when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or school attendance not to do so.
- Parents/ carers must complete a Parental Permission to Assist in the Administration of Medicine Form, available from the school office, for any medicines to be administered in school.
- Where clinically possible, medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside school hours;
- To prevent unnecessary barriers to children attending school with a short-term illness, such as an earache, the school will administer over-the-counter medicines (e.g. Calpol or Cough medicine);
- The school will only accept medicines that are in-date, labelled (with the child’s name and instructions for administration, dosage and storage) and provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist. The exception to this is insulin which must still be in date, but will generally be available to schools inside an insulin pen or a pump, rather than in its original container;
- For children with Asthma, we require an Asthma Care Plan to be provided to the school along with an Asthma pump to be kept in school and a completed Permission to Assist in the Administration of Medicine Form;
- The school will keep a record of all medicines administered to individual children, stating what, how and how much was administered, when and by whom. Any side effects of the medication to be administered at school should be noted; and if medication is for any reason not given a record must be kept and the parent informed;
- A record of all allergies of the child must be maintained;
- When no longer required, medicines will be returned to the parent to arrange for safe disposal. Sharps boxes will always be used for the disposal of needles and other sharps.
First Aid
All staff receive First Aid training in what to do in an emergency and this is refreshed regularly during staff training sessions. We also have a number of Paediatric First Aid trained members of staff, who are always on site and who also accompany classes on School trips.
Should a child become unwell at school, parents/ carers will be contacted to collect them. It is essential that the school has the correct contact numbers of parents/ carers and at least two emergency contacts. Please ensure that you complete a new Emergency Contact form, available at the school office, for any changes to your child’s emergency contact information.
Should a child have an accident at school, the school will follow first aid procedures and contact the child’s parents/ carers. Bump head texts and slips are sent home for any children who have received a bump to the head during the school day and appears not have been seriously affected. For any injuries that a child receives first aid treatment for at school, the school office will phone the parent/ carer to inform them of the treatment given at school and advise whether the parent/ carer needs to seek any further medical advice.
For any injuries requiring urgent medical attention, the school office will contact the emergency services and the parent/ carer immediately. If a pupil needs to attend hospital, a member of staff (preferably known to the pupil) will stay with them until a parent or legal guardian arrives, or accompany a child taken to hospital by ambulance.
For further information on school attendance, please visit the Attendance page.
To report your child’s absence from school, please call the School Office before 09:30am on 020 8680 0747 or email