This week’s news 20.06.16


We raised money in race for life for cancer because doctors and scientist couldn’t find out how to stop cancer so we raced for life for two laps and we all got meadels and they all said: race for life cancer research UK. After we raced for life we felt really happy inside our hearts.       Reported By Nivedya

We had to run for 1 kilometre last Thursday, if we got tired it did not matter because we had to persevere and do our best! When we got up to the field we saw a big race track and we ran around it 2 times. After we finished the first lap the PE team gave us our first lap sticker, then we carried on until we got our second lap sticker. It was amazing when we had finished and we raised so much money for charity!          Reported by Dhruv and Pranav

On Thursday 16th of June our school ran 1 kilometre (2 laps). We raised over £2500 pounds. At the end everybody got medals which we are very proud of. There were helpers in yellow bibs to show us where to go and we all ran for as far as we could. Some Year twos went round more than three times!                         Reported by Sachi

On Thursday the 16th of June our school took part in Race for Life. We raised over £2000 pounds to help people find out and research how to cure cancer. We ran 1 whole kilometre! Everyone had loads and loads of fun and at the end we got special medals. We had to stay inside the cones and go all the way around the field twice. It was so tiring. When we had finished our first laps we got stickers that said first lap and when we had finished our second lap we also got stickers and got to race to the finish.                      Reported by Isobel

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